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Weekly Moon Sign Horoscope

LUNAR ARIES - You are likely to feel vulnerable and sensitive this week, Lunar Aries, which could lead you to trying to hold onto them too tightly.

LUNAR TAURUS - This week there are quite a few opportunities opening up for you, Lunar Taurus. Luck is entering your house in ways that may surprise you.

LUNAR GEMINI - The focus is on your financial life this week, Lunar Gemini, and you have great energy for making money.

LUNAR CANCER - This week, Lunar Cancer, a somewhat unusual transit impacts your astrology in a very positive manner, specifically bringing about good fortune and energies of abundance.

LUNAR LEO - An old friend or lover from your past is likely to resurface this week, Lunar Leo, and it will leave you feeling a mix of emotions. This unexpected encounter will prompt you to reflect.

LUNAR VIRGO - You have restless energy regarding a personal project or responsibility this week, Lunar Virgo. One that has required your attention and work for months but you have continued to put off.

LUNAR LIBRA - While last week you began to question your ability to switch off and relax, this week, Lunar Libra, you are successfully putting into place mechanisms to help you.

LUNAR SCORPIO - You will have good energy this week when it comes to getting rid of obstacles in your way, Lunar Scorpio.

LUNAR SAGITTARIUS - It's all about details for you this week, Lunar Sagittarius, and you should pay attention to every little thing, as gold can be found in the most insignificant-seeming places.

LUNAR CAPRICORN - There’s a sense of harmony in your house this week, Lunar Capricorn, and you will find that you are in agreement with those around you.

LUNAR AQUARIUS - This week, Lunar Aquarius, your intuition and empathy are heightened, allowing you to connect with others on a deeper level. A Full Moon rises in your sign.

LUNAR PISCES - Astrological energies are strong in your love life and relationships this week, Lunar Pisces, so make the most of it as energy has been lacking in this area lately.

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